The number of videos to return
The number of videos to skip.
Column name to sort by.
Sort order.
Video title search query.
Cut off all videos before this date
Cut off all videos after this date
Status of video to fetch.
Return only videos if true, otherwise will also return streams
Set to true to only get videos with captions
Get a video by its bilibli id
bilibili ID of the video.
Get a video by its HoloAPI id
HoloAPI record ID of the video.
Set to true to include comments in the response.
Get a video by its YouTube id
YouTube ID of the video.
Set to true to include comments in the response.
Get currently live channels
HoloAPI channel ID or YouTube channel ID.
Restrain how far ahead of now to return scheduled streams. Can be used to prevent getting Free Chat rooms.
How far back to receive recently-ended streams, maximum is 12 hours.
Hide the description key in all channel objects, possible bandwidth saving measure.
Generated using TypeDoc
Returns a list of videos and streams.