Interface VideosQueryLiveAndUpcomingParameters



channelId?: string

Examples: UCl_gCybOJRIgOXw6Qb4qJzQ Filter by video uploader channel id

id?: string

A single Youtube Video ID. If Specified, only this video can be returned (may be filtered out by other conditions though)

include?: ExtraVideoInfo[]

Comma-separated list of extra video info. Possible items: 'clips' 'refers' 'sources' 'simulcasts' 'mentions' 'description' 'live_info' 'channel_stats' 'songs'

lang?: string

Examples: en,ja Default: all A comma separated list of language codes to filter channels/clips, official streams do not follow this parameter

limit?: number

Default: 25 Results limit

maxUpcomingHours?: number

Examples: 24 Number of maximum hours upcoming to get upcoming videos by (for rejecting waiting rooms that are two years out)

mentionedChannelId?: string

Filter by mentioned channel id, excludes itself. Generally used to find collabs/clips that include the requested channel

offset?: number

Default: 0 Offset results

order?: "asc" | "desc"

Default: desc Order by ascending or descending

org?: string

Examples: Hololive Filter by clips that feature the org's talent or videos posted by the org's talent

paginated?: boolean

If paginated is set to true, return an object with total, otherwise returns an array. Default

sort?: string

Examples: start_scheduled Default: available_at Sort by any returned video field

status?: "new" | "upcoming" | "live" | "past" | "missing"

Examples: past Filter by video status

topic?: string

Examples: singing Filter by video topic id

type?: "stream" | "clip"

Filter by type of video

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